Klein Creek Stream Bank Stabilization
System update

System update is scheduled overnight Wednesday July 17, starting at 11:00pm. During the update several features will be unavailable including My Account, Online Databases, and Digital media platforms, like Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla. Access will return once the update is complete Thursday morning. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Visiting the Library

Does the Library accept donations?

Library visitors may purchase items from the Friends of the Library Fundraiser Sale. The Library welcomes books, CDs, and DVDs in good condition and in small quantities (one box or less). Bring items for donation to the front desk.

We can accept:

Patron behavior at the Library

Policy Governing Patron Behavior

In accordance with the Illinois Compiled Statutes, (75 ILCS 5/4-7), the Board of Library Trustees of the Carol Stream Public Library has the following powers:

“To make and adopt…rules and regulations…for the government of the Library…” and

“To exclude from the use of the Library any person who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the Board.”

Therefore, the Board of Trustees of the Carol Stream Public Library adopts the following as its policy on patron behavior:

Lost and Found

The Circulation Department maintains a Lost and Found for personal belongings left behind or mistakenly returned to the Library. If a misplaced item contains identification, every effort will be made to contact the owner. In instances when this is not possible, the Library will hold the article for 14 days. Patrons are asked to contact the Circulation Department to inquire about missing items. The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended anywhere on Library property.

Policy on children left at the Library after closing

Parents are responsible for being aware of the Library’s hours and for picking up their children on time. Children are encouraged to contact their parents before closing to verify that transportation is available. Children under the age of 16 left unattended at closing time may be deemed at risk. If a child under the age of 16 is not picked up within 15 minutes of the Library’s closing time, the Carol Stream Police Department will be called.  Under no circumstances will Library staff transport any child in their personal car or library vehicle to the child’s home or to any other location.

What happens if a child is disruptive?

The Carol Stream Public Library’s Policy Governing Patron Behavior and the Code of Conduct apply to all patrons regardless of age. Both policies are in place to ensure that all users of the Library experience a safe and welcoming environment conducive to both educational and leisure pursuits. Patrons of all ages are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects respect for fellow patrons and Library staff and policies, behaving in a manner that does not hinder others from using the Library or Library materials.

Supervision of children at the Library

Great effort is taken to make the Library a warm, pleasant and inviting place. The Library staff is committed to the well-being and safety of children; however parents/caregivers must be aware that the Library is a public building, open to all, and as such it is unsafe to leave a child unattended/under-attended. Libraries are not designed or licensed to provide childcare. Parents/caregivers are responsible for the behavior of their children while on Library property.

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