
Lote Online for Kids

LOTE Online 4 Kids is a database of digital books in World Languages, created for children to enjoy books and learn language through storytelling. LOTE Online for Kids allows children to enjoy the magic of books in World Languages from the comfort of home. Each book is provided with an English translation to help develop multilingual reading and listening skills.
Era Books Online

Access to over 1,500 education books, exercise and learning guides created by educators to support children in building their reading, writing and comprehension skills.
Services for Kids
Binge Boxes

Request a box full of books hand-selected for you by our librarians (plus a few extra goodies, just for fun)
Computer Access

Desktop computers are available to use in both Adult and Youth Services for free with a library card or guest pass. Use of the Library’s computers and wifi access constitutes acceptance and agreement of the Technology Resources Policy.
Interlibrary Loan

Items that are not available at the Carol Stream Public Library may be requested from other libraries. Patrons will be notified when items are available for pick up. Item requests outside of the SWAN Consortium are available for Carol Stream cardholders only. Patrons are also responsible for any fees charged by the owning library. Email cstream@cslibrary.org or complete this request form.
Explore Library Spaces
Enchanted Forest

Explore the Enchanted Forest play area where you can create your own light show, explore the Board Book and Picture Book collections, and play with a rotating collection of toys.
Everbright board

Create your own light show in the Youth Services Enchanted Forest play area

Sit outside during the milder months. The Patio is only accessible from the Adult or Youth departments and is open during library hours weather permiting.