Events for Teens
Middle School Meetup: Video Games
Bring your friends to this fun hangout featuring a different activity at each scheduled meetup! Registration not required.
Grades: 6-8
Workspace Mondays (In-Person)
Adults and High Schoolers can find their #MondayMotivation in this weekly productivity zone. Whether you need personal desk space, group collaboration tables, or just somewhere to focus outside of your home, this flexible coworking space is
Let's Sew Together: How to Use a Sewing Machine (In-Person)
Registration will open for CSPL cardholders age 16+ on March 1.
TD3 Innovative Gaming: Minecraft (In-Person)
TD3 Innovative Gaming will be returning to the library to host two hours of Minecraft activities and games! No existing account required, and laptops will be provided.
For grades 6-8.
Earth Month Scavenger Hunt (All Ages, All Month)
Earth Month Scavenger Hunt (All Ages, All Month)
We are celebrating our planet all month long with an Earth-focused scavenger hunt! Participants will receive an environmentally-friendly prize.
Poet-Tree Interactive Display (All Month)
April is National Poetry Month and this year we are celebrating by growing a poet tree! Write a poem, haiku, or a line from one of your favorite poems on a leaf and hang it on the poet-tree.
Take & Make: Recycled Plastic Bag Friendship Bracelet Kit (High School)
Request a kit starting April 1 by calling Adult Services at (630) 344-6123, emailing cstream@cslibrary.org, or chatting with us via our website. One kit per person. Supplies are limited. No advanced requests can be taken.
Social Services Hours (Bi-lingual, In-Person)
Social Services Hours (Bi-lingual, In-Person)
Drop-in and meet your local social worker and connect with services that meet your needs. Learn what is available to residents.
Resources for Teens
Academic Search Complete

Comprehensive, multi-disciplinary resource of scholarly research. Coverage on a wide range of topics. Includes peer-reviewed full text resources for subjects such as adult education, higher education, public health, and more.
Academic Search TutorialBiography Reference Center

More than 390,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies.
Consumer Health Complete

Research health topics on aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs and alcohol, fitness, nutrition and more. Includes teen health topics for teens and parents.
Consumer Health TutorialLocal Middle Schools & High Schools
Benjamin School District 25
Benjamin School District 25: Achieving Excellence, Each Student, Each Day!
Community Consolidated School District 93
Community Consolidated School District 93: Maximize the academic, social, and emotional potential of each student.
Community Unit School District 200
Community Unit School District 200: Inspiring in everyone a passion to excel.
Glenbard District 87
For students and parents of those within the Glenbard District 87 communities.
West Chicago Community High School
School District 94: Learning. Leading. Living.