Klein Creek Stream Bank Stabilization
System update

System update is scheduled overnight Wednesday July 17, starting at 11:00pm. During the update several features will be unavailable including My Account, Online Databases, and Digital media platforms, like Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla. Access will return once the update is complete Thursday morning. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Does the Library accept donations?

Library visitors may purchase items from the Friends of the Library Fundraiser Sale. The Library welcomes books, CDs, and DVDs in good condition and in small quantities (one box or less). Bring items for donation to the front desk.

We can accept:

  • Recent Adult Fiction
  • Recent bestsellers
  • Children's Fiction
  • Music CDs
  • DVDs and Blu-Rays
  • Recent Adult Non-Fiction:
    • Cookbooks
    • Crafts
    • Gardening
    • History
    • Biographies
    • Popular culture
    • Sports

We cannot accept:

  • Items damaged by water, mold, smoke, or with torn, stained, yellowed, or missing pages
  • Textbooks
  • Magazines
  • Encyclopedias
  • Condensed Readers’ Digests
  • VHS tapes