Program Type:
Reading programsProgram Description
Event Details
June 1 – August 14
Welcome to Camp Hiawatha: the annual reading tradition at the Carol Stream Public Library. This summer is a chance to discover new stories and characters that you really identify with. Or, learn more about the world around you by browsing our new Teen nonfiction collection. And if you log your reading minutes through Readsquared, you'll get to choose books and other fun prizes in the library throughout the summer. You'll also have a chance to win a prize basket during our end of summer prize drawing.
Read any book, comic book or listen to any audiobook you like and record your minutes online. Even if you're reading for school, you can log whatever you like into the program. The winners will be drawn when Camp Hiawatha ends on August 14. Every 200 minutes logged earns you your choice of a book or fun item to be picked up at the library throughout the summer. And every 200 minutes counts for one entry into the end of summer prize basket drawing. You can have a maximum of 5 drawings, that is 1000 minutes read but you're welcome to keep recording minutes after that. Register and log your reading online by clicking here beginning June 1.
AND. . .
If one adult and a teen or child from their family participate in Camp Hiawatha Summer Reading, you're eligible for our Family Prize Drawing. This year's Family prize is a Nintendo Switch! When an adult registers online for the Adult Summer Reading Program, there will be a check-box that will automatically enter you into the Family Prize Drawing. One entry per parent/child team.