Career Resources
Job & Career Accelerator

Gives job seekers the tools they need to explore careers, find open positions, apply for jobs, and get hired. Find information on careers, interest assessments to match individuals with ideal career paths, and tools to create professional resumes and cover letters.
Learning Express Library Complete

Supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass a high school equivalency test, prepare for college, explore careers, join the military, study for occupational certification tests, become a U.S. citizen and much more. Contains practice tests, interactive tutorials, e-books, articles, and flashcards.
Learning Express TutorialReference Solutions

Search for people and businesses including doctors and conduct market research.
Reference Solutions

Need help with your homework? Test Prep? Or your job search? Tutors are available live online from 12:00pm to 12:00am. Grades K-College.

Thousands of online video courses in business, tech, and personal development across 75+ categories to achieve personal and professional goals.
Job & Career Community Resources
211 DuPage
Access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utility payment assistance, employment services, veteran services, and childcare and family services. Call 2-1-1 or visit their website.
College of DuPage
Community College serving DuPage County.
Goodwill Workforce Connection Center
Goodwill Workforoce Connection Center provides local companies with the opportunity to meet with people in the community who are looking for jobs and want to be connected to area businesses.
Illinois Department of Employment Security
Learn about and apply for unemployment benefits, plan your career, and search over 100,000 jobs.
Outreach Carol Stream
Outreach Carol Stream is a multi-purpose, neighborhood resource center serving residents in southeast Carol Stream since 1986.
People's Resource Center
Located in North Wheaton, the People's Resource Center provides job coaching, teaches technology skills, and more.
Worknet DuPage
Worknet offers job coaching, trainings, webinars, and additional opportunities for job seekers.