
Alpha List

Need help with your homework? Test Prep? Or your job search? Tutors are available live online from 12:00pm to 12:00am. Grades K-College.

Article Search

Search multiple databases for magazines, newspapers, and reference articles. This is a great way to start your research.

Small Business Reference Center

Full-text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. Includes business videos, a help and advice section, and details on how to create business plans.

Newspaper Source Plus

Read full-text newspaper articles and television and radio transcripts. Includes the Associated Press (AP), CNN Wire, PR Wire, UPI (United Press International), Xinhua, The Chicago Citizen, and more.

Legal Information Reference Center

Resources to assist you in legal matters of all kinds, including business law, financial planning, family law, property and real estate, and rights and disputes. Includes full text reference books from Nolo

Science Reference Center

Search images and full-text articles in applied sciences, biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and energy. The Science Image Collection includes images from National Geographic, UPI, Getty, NASA, and Nature Picture Library.

Consumer Health Complete

Research health topics on aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs and alcohol, fitness, nutrition and more. Includes teen health topics for teens and parents.

Business Source Complete

Research into accounting, finance, economics, marketing, management, and operations management. Includes access to video from the Associated Press (AP).

Auto Repair Source

Find service and repair procedures, diagrams, recall information, specifications, labor estimates, and parts pricing.


Attend craft classes and workshops for all skill levels.


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