As part of our commitment to building and supporting community relationships, the Library makes a conference room and study spaces available to cardholders. The conference and study rooms are available by reservation only. There is NO Food allowed in the library or the study rooms. Covered beverages are permitted.
Study Room Guidelines:
- To reserve a study room, you must be in high school or older and have a valid Carol Stream Public Library card. Users are limited to 1 reservation per day. Users may continue using the study room after their reservation period, if not other reservations or requests for the room are pending.
- Study room time limits are two (2) hours for a CSPL cardholder and one (1) hour max for a noncardholder. When placing a reservation online, you must manually change the time needed up to 2 hours, otherwise by default only one hour will be listed.
- Rooms may be reserved up to 7 days in advance.
- The rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis for users without a reservation.
- Library users without a CSPL card, may use a study room if available on a first come first served basis. Reservations for specific times or rooms cannot be made.
- Reservations are held for 10 minutes past the start time before the reservation will be canceled if you do not show up.
- The study rooms are not soundproof, so be mindful of your noise levels. Users of study rooms adhere to our behavior and library policies.
- Groups count as one reservation, and members of the group are not allowed to reserve a room consecutively with multiple cards. Such reservations will be canceled and use of the study room will be terminated.
- Those making the reservations must be present within the room at all times.
- The Library reserves the right to cancel any existing reservation and/or deny permission to use a room.
- Please do not leave items unattended in the Study Rooms. Per the Code of Conduct, the Library is not responsible for the security of a patron's personal property. Leaving a room during your reservation for an extended period of time will also result in the reservation being terminated.
- Businesses may not conduct sales on the premises. Other restrictions on room use do apply. Please view our Study Room Policy as well as the guidelines which are available online as well as within each study room.