Policy Governing Patron Behavior | Library Use by Children and Vulnerable Adults | Grievance Procedures
Carol Stream Public Library Code of Conduct:
The Code of Conduct for the Carol Stream Public Library, in conjunction with the Policy Governing Patron Behavior, seek to ensure that all users of the Library experience a safe and welcoming environment conducive to both educational and leisure pursuits.
Patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects respect for fellow patrons and Library staff and policies, behaving in a manner that does not hinder others from using the Library or Library materials. More specifically, all patrons are expected to:
- Understand that acts which are subject to prosecution under Federal, State or local criminal or civil codes are expressly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.
- Avoid actions and/or language that can be perceived as offensive, abusive or threatening to others. Profanity is prohibited.
- Maintain the volume of conversations and/or electronic devices at an acceptable level.
- Use library equipment, furnishings, hardware and software in a manner consistent with their intended use and in a way that will avoid damage.
- Be fully clothed when visiting the Library, including footwear.
- Make appropriate use of Library restroom facilities. Examples of inappropriate use include, but are not limited to, use as laundry facilities, bathing facilities or gathering places.
Additional Standards:
Reasonable direction of Library staff members will be respectfully followed.
- Children eight (8) years of age and under must be attended by a responsible caregiver while in the Library. (Refer to the Policy on Library Use by Children and Vulnerable Adults.)
- Service animals are welcome in the Library. Other pets or animals are not permitted.
- The Library is a tobacco-free zone. Use of tobacco in the facility or smoking within 15 feet of the Library entrance is prohibited.
- Enjoy your covered beverage; however food is not allowed in the Library.
- Use of the Library for the purpose of solicitation, selling or canvassing is prohibited.
- Bicycles are to be parked in the provided bike racks. For your convenience, bike locks are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk.
- Use of recreational and/or sports equipment is not permitted in the Library facility.
- The Library is not responsible for the security of a patron’s personal property.
Library users who disregard the Code of Conduct may be subject to follow-up action as detailed in the Policy Governing Patron Behavior.
Policy Governing Patron Behavior
Policy Governing Patron Behavior:
In accordance with the Illinois Compiled Statutes, (75 ILCS 5/4-7), the Board of Library Trustees of the Carol Stream Public Library has the following powers:
“To make and adopt…rules and regulations…for the government of the Library…” and “To exclude from the use of the Library any person who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the Board.”
Therefore, the Board of Trustees of the Carol Stream Public Library adopts the following as its policy on patron behavior:
1. The Library Director is delegated the authority to develop and amend as necessary reasonable rules and regulations governing appropriate patron behavior. This Code of Conduct will be available for examination in the Library.
2. Any patron who engages in any activity that materially disrupts the use of library facilities, collections, or services by patrons or materially disrupts the ability of the staff to perform its duties shall be given a verbal warning that his/her behavior is unacceptable and informed of the consequences should the behavior continue.
3. If, following this direction, the patron fails or refuses to comply, or responds to the request in an abusive manner, he/she will be required to immediately leave the Library property for the balance of that calendar day. If he/she fails to leave, the Carol Stream Police will be summoned.
4. Library personnel will maintain a record of instances in which patrons are required to leave the Library.
5. The Library staff has the right to request to see identification of any person on the premises who is violating Library policies or rules governing patron behavior.
6. Parents or guardians of minors will be notified in writing, whenever possible, after the first recorded instance in which a minor is required to leave Library property, and advised of the consequences of any further recorded instances.
7. Upon the second recorded instance within a four week period in which a patron is required to leave the Library, the Director shall ban the patron from Library property for a period of thirty days.
8. In the event a patron banned from Library property attempts entry to Library property during any such period of exclusion, the police will be immediately summoned to respond to this trespassing violation.
9. In the event the patron persists in abusive conduct or disruptive behavior following a period of exclusion, the Library Director shall report to the Board of Library Trustees to request consideration of a long-term period of exclusion of that patron.
10. The Library is not required to go through the entire intervention process detailed in this policy. Intervention may begin at any step, including immediate involvement of the police and/or banning from Library property, depending upon the severity of the incident or behavior.
11. Any redress for grievance regarding any actions taken by the Library staff to enforce Library public behavior standards must be submitted in writing to the Director. The Director shall respond in writing to this grievance. If the patron does not accept the Director’s response to the written grievance, the patron may submit a written redress for grievance to the Board of Library Trustees. The Board shall review this grievance and provide a written response. The Board’s decision shall be final.
Library Use by Children and Vulnerable Adults
Approved 12/15/21 (Replaces Policy 5.1.a Policy on Library Use by Children, approved 8/19/13.)
Library Use by Children
The Carol Stream Library work diligently to create a welcoming and safe environment for all our patrons, and especially for children and their families.
The Library staff is committed to assisting children and adults with informational needs and providing a space where people can create, search, play and learn.
The Carol Stream Public Library’s Policy Governing Patron Behavior and its companion Code of Conduct apply to all patrons regardless of age.
Parents and caregivers must be aware that the Library is a public building, open to all, and as such it is unsafe to leave a child unattended or under-attended.
Parents and caregivers are solely responsible for their children while they are on Library property regardless of whether the parent or caregiver is in the library. Libraries are not designed or licensed to provide childcare, nor does the library act in loco parentis (in place of parents).
When the safety of an unattended or under-attended child is in doubt, or if the library is closing, library staff will attempt to contact the caregiver before calling 911. In the case of an immediate safety concern, staff will contact 911 immediately and then attempt to contact the caregiver.
Children, Age 8* and Under
Children, age eight (8) and younger, must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver (age fourteen (14) or older) who has been designated by the legal guardian to care for the child. Children, age eight (8) and under must be in sight of the parent/caregiver at all times. Library staff are happy to retrieve resources from other areas of the Library required by parents/caregivers.
*Age eight (8) and under is the age designated for Early Childhood Education Certification.
Children, Age 8 and Under – Programs
Some Library programs require that the parent/caregiver accompany the child. For all other Library programs, parent/caregivers of children eight (8) years of age and younger must remain in the Library and be readily available, returning to the program area by the end of the session.
Children, Age 9 and Up
Children, age nine (9) and up, are welcome to use the Library, unsupervised, if their behavior is in accordance with the Library’s Policy Governing Patron Behavior and its companion Code of Conduct.
For safety’s sake, parents/caregivers should make sure their children are sufficiently mature enough to observe proper conduct when visiting the Library by themselves. Parents/Caregivers are further advised that if children cannot follow the Code of Conduct, they may be asked to leave the Library. The Library shall notify the parent in writing, whenever possible, of incidents involving an unattended child.
Library Use by Vulnerable Adults*
The Library seeks to provide a welcoming and safe environment for all community members, and is concerned for the safety and well-being of vulnerable adults using the Library. A parent, guardian or caregiver over the age of 18 must be responsible for monitoring the activities and managing the behavior of vulnerable adults during their Library visits.
If a vulnerable adult is able to understand and follow the Code of Conduct and can care for their own needs, they are welcome to be in the Library unattended. They should have contact information to reach their parent or caregiver for transportation home or in case of emergency
During library hours, when the safety of a vulnerable adult is in doubt, library staff will attempt to contact the caregiver before calling 911. In the case of an immediate safety concern, staff will contact 911 immediately and then attempt to contact the caregiver.
*A vulnerable adult is functionally, mentally or physically unable to care for themselves beyond normal assistance with Library services. For their safety, it is recommended they be accompanied by a caregiver when visiting the Library.
Grievance Procedures
Any redress for grievance regarding any actions taken by Library staff to enforce Library public behavior standards must be submitted in writing to the Director. The Director shall respond in writing to this grievance. If the patron does not accept the Director’s response to the written grievance, the patron may submit a written redress for grievance to the Board of Library Trustees. The Board of Library Trustees shall review this grievance and provide a written response. The Board’s decision shall be final.