Miss Adriana will guide us through an interactive storytime that pairs gentle movement with stories and active songs. For ages 3-6, with a caregiver.
Relax with coffee, donuts and a game! This is a brand new group and we will kick off the new year playing Settlers of Catan during January and February.
Covid Safety Protocols for Adult Programs
Masks are not required but are encouraged for all program attendees.
Please be aware programs may change based on health restrictions in the community. We will update you if anything changes.
If you need any assistance with registration please send an email to cstream@cslibrary.org or call us at 630-344-6123.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you there!
Food Allergies
We cannot guarantee that food served at this program has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Join Miss Adriana and your friends for some yoga fun! We'll do themed kids yoga, play active games and take breaks with breathing and mindfulness exercises.
Covid Safety Protocols for Youth Programs
Masks are not required but are encouraged for all program attendees.
Please be aware programs may change based on health restrictions in the community. We will update you if anything changes.
If you need any assistance with registration please send an email to children@cslibrary.org or call us at 630-344-6127.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you there!